Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Headlines and Bottom Lines, with No Substance Between

Just sitting here, faintly shaking my head at friends who forward e-mail links or share posts about "interesting" articles.  Usually, those friends boldly, and with great conviction, comment about the content in order to sway opinion.  With due respect, I take the time to read through each article, formulate my own opinion, and offer a response.  More times than not, I receive a reply back that the sender/poster "did not actually read it yet."

What the...?!?

Hmmm. This is a frustrating pattern for someone like me: takes topic research seriously; wants to be educated; desires to gain understanding; weighs pros-and-cons to draw conclusions.

Lately, it seems that shock-and-awe headlines are appealing to the masses, who then (individually) jump to conclusions and forward their own bottom lines...expecting many followers.  Sure gives new insight to the concept of jumping forward.  And seriously calls into question where authors are getting their information?  From another headline?  Or a bottom line?  Is there any substance in-between?

Do facts, based on solid research, exist anymore?  Or, is it every opinion for itself?

So sad, really, how our techno-world of instant information is quickly becoming a society of mis-guided interpretation.